PDF Reports now available in Maps & Analysis
Release Notes
PDF reports are now available in the Maps & Analysis tab. From Wednesday you will be able to download map reports for the below layers:
- Cropping
- P, K, Mg indexes & pH
- Soil last sampled map
- Sand %, Silt % & Clay %
- Organic matter analysis
Here’s how:
- A new PDF export button is located next to the observations icon in the map menu
- Selecting this will load the PDF generator, which enables the report to be configured
- Select the fields that are to be included in the report
- Select the layers that are to be included in the report
- Select map display settings relevant to the selected layers, e.g. Show or hide crop variety
- Go to the summary page and check your report configuration, then select “Generate PDF”
- Reports can then be found in the ‘Downloads’ tab
- Each layer selected will be an individual page in the report generated
In addition, we have updated the soil texture legends to the new vertical style in keeping with the other layers in Maps & Analysis. These are easier to read than the old horizontal legends, but the way the data is categorised remains the same. Sand %, Silt % and Clay % have also moved into their own new menu category called “Texture Analysis”.
Based on user feedback we have updated the colour legend on the ‘soil last sampled’ map to make interpreting the maps easier.