PRF1: Everything You Need To Know About The Variable Rate SFI Action
PRF1 is an SFI action aimed at the variable rate application (VRA) of nutrients. It involves a three-year agreement, with participants receiving £27/ha per year.
The main eligibility criteria relate to land type, and to comply, all major nutrients (N, P, K, and Mg) must be applied using VRA equipment that is pre-programmed with a VRA file. This file must be created using data from zonal soil or crop testing, analysis, or remote sensing. The VRA equipment must also be connected to a tractor or sprayer-mounted crop reflectance sensor.
PRF1 does not cover micro-nutrients or lime. The data used to inform the VRA file must include at least P, K, Mg, and pH. If zonal soil testing is used, it must meet the action’s requirements and be no older than five years. For nitrogen application, the VRA file must use data from crop testing, analysis, or remote sensing. Remote sensing must be conducted no more than 14 days prior to application to meet the action’s objective.
- Payment: £27/ha per year for a three-year agreement.
- Eligibility: Requires VRA equipment and data from soil or crop testing, or remote sensing.
- Exclusions: Does not cover micro-nutrients or lime; nitrogen data must come from crop testing or remote sensing.
For more information about how to access the PRF1 payment, or for any support you may need on farm, please contact RHIZA today.